Coaching and coach supervision for personal and professional growth
Take a deep breath. It’s closer than you think.
Spacious, intentional living.
Most clients come to me with a desire for clarity. That lack of clarity is often accompanied by frustration, anxious thinking, low mood, often accompanied by persistent physical symptoms.
What we create together is calm, and choice – choice to decide on new directions, to change habits, to enjoy the journey. Choice is found in the gaps – between thoughts and trigger and reaction.
Making choices – this is life crafting. Taking what you have, shaping it, adding to it, taking away what is not needed until you are left with something you are proud of.
I have some great tools that can help with the process.
I can show you a range of straightforward, researched techniques for reducing anxiety to free up your best thinking. I can support you to think creatively and kindly about your challenges, what you want from your life and how you are going to get there. I have an toolbox of strategies drawn from coaching and positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, solutions focused therapy, mindfulness, and neuroscience at your disposal.
Come talk to me about crafting your life.
I approached Abi to help work through some difficult business decision-making. She helped clarify things to make the decision incredibly simple. She has been a pleasure to work with. Her approach is organised and methodical, but she’s also very kind and supportive. Utterly reliable and professional, I wholeheartedly recommend her.
These ideas have now turned into a reality.
Thank you so much!
I was feeling thoroughly overwhelmed when I started working with Abi. Life was busy, work was busy, I was running around all the time but getting nowhere! Abi helped me to stop and breathe; to focus on what is really important and to set new priorities and boundaries. I now have a plan and the confidence to stick to it… and to say ‘no’ when something doesn’t fit. Life is still hectic, but Abi has helped me to develop the skills and confidence to deal with it more calmly and with good humour. It sounds trite but she has honestly changed my life.
I’ve seen a bunch of different mental health professionals over many years when I’ve had an immediate crisis with stress, anxiety or severe depression. Looking back on those interventions, they were a sticking plaster that helped me overcome that immediate issue, but didn’t address any root cause. Having chanced upon Abi, she immediately just kind of ‘got me’. Following our sessions, for the first time in my entire adult life I feel properly grounded. I am now understanding things that I feel have been just out of my reach for decades. With Abi’s guidance I am equipping myself with the knowledge and skills that I have always been missing. It feels a little bit like I was a caveman and Abi came along and said: “Have you heard of this thing called fire? This is how it works. It’s really good for keeping warm and cooking stuff. By the way there is something else that’s called a wheel, you might find that useful as well.” Thank you Abi.
I’ve been working with Abi for the last few months and what an amazing difference it has made to my life. Abi is such an amazing lady; so relaxed and understanding to any problem I come to her with, encouraging my ‘out of the box’ thinking; including explaining in a clear way as to how our mind works and why and how we can adapt to change this. We have worked through subjects like everyday family life, as well as pinpointing my business dreams/values and future targets. Recently I have been feeling a true sense of freedom, inspiration and total faith and care for myself, it feels wonderful! I would and have recommended Abi to friends and family, I also find myself referring to her all the times, including passing on her wisdom to my children! Thank you so much Abi! I cannot wait to see what we can achieve together in 2020!!!
Increase your self knowledge
- Your strengths and stumbling blocks
- What brings you joy and peace
- Your values
- Your emotional needs
Feel better, now
- Learn techniques to regulate emotions and manage negative thought patterns
- Improve wellbeing in multiple aspects of your life
- Develop sustainable habits to support your overall health
- Create a compelling vision of your future
Kickstart something exciting
- Find a new career direction
- Write a book
- Start a new phase of professional development
- Plan a life transition
- Coaching
- One to One or Group Coach Supervision
- Solution Focused Brief Therapy
- Coach Training
- Personal and Professional Development Workshops
Let’s Talk
If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of coaching, I’d love to talk with you.
I’m happy to offer a 30-60 minute FREE consultation, by phone, face to face or video chat, to help you make your decision.

Or contact me directly on LinkedIn